Saturday, September 28, 2013

'Dem Birds Be Angry

Cupcake ingredients.

In recent years, I've started to do more and more baking. I've always enjoyed baking, but in particular, I've come to love cupcakes. They are perfect little single-sized portion of cakey delicious, topped with fluffy icing. The combinations of flavours are endless, and it's so easy to make them into eye-appealing works of art. There were Jasmine's wedding cupcakes in April 2012, my niece's birthday cupcakes earlier this year, and Ashley and Andrew's wedding cupcakes.

This year I volunteered to make cupcakes for my nephew's fifth birthday. He has recently become a bit of an Angry Bird junky.

I used my go-to vanilla cupcake recipe (at my nephew's request), and whipped up a batch of white chocolate cream cheese icing. Then I separated the icing into four even portions. Next comes the food colouring-- a gel paste. The colour in the gel paste is more concentrated, so the food colouring is less likely to change the consistency of the icing (i.e. it won't be runny).

White chocolate cream cheese icing.

After applying a liberal amount of coloured icing on each cupcake, I then rolled them in red, yellow or green sprinkles. This gave them a darker colour, and (I like to think) makes them more appealing to kids.

Then I went about decorating them with an orange triangular sour for a beak, a few dobs of icing for their chest and eyes, black gel icing for their eyebrows and pupils, and finally, some Skittles to add some bird-like decorations. 

Rolled cupcakes, and my first angry bird.

For the pigs, I halved a marshmallow for their snouts before rolling them in icing and coloured sugar, and reserved a red Skittle for their tongues.

And here you have it, a set of Angry Bird Cupcakes! Perfect for a 5-year-old's birthday party!

Angry Birds-- and pigs!

I can't help but be very pleased with the results.

More Angry Birds and pigs.

Happy 5th Birthday, Dylan!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Rainbows, Insects and Bumper Cars

The last few weeks have been trying for Tom and I, for reasons that I won't get into. But we're both glad to say that we were here for our family when they needed us.
For the time being, I don't have much else to blog about. But I thought I'd share some pictures from the last few months that I have been diligently instagraming!
A rainbow! We can clearly see which house contains a pot of gold... Those leprechauns are not as wily as they think they are... Let's go loot it!

A raspberry... With some sort of insect eggs on it. Finding this was pretty gross. I don't think I actually ate any of the raspberries in this container (too many thoughts of insects hatching in my stomach-- which I know is COMPLETELY ridiculous, but there you have it!). I've never seen this kind of hexagonal egg pattern before, so the scientist in me was intrigued! Does anyone know what kind of insect eggs these were?
Here is my co-worker destroying small children on the bumper cars at Calaway Park. Our team went here a few weeks ago for some team building. At one point while we were waiting in line for a ride, a dragonfly landed on my face (seriously, on my FACE), and a shrieked like a banshee. I know, I know, dragonflies are harmless. But it was HUGE, and it landed on my FACE. Cut me some slack!
Kittens! I'm not really much of a cat person, but I can certainly appreciate cuteness. These are three kittens that my Ashley's parents discovered in their garage at their cabin. Ashley took the kittens, along with their momma to a rescue organization so they could be fostered.
And finally (I thought it was worth mentioning), today is our three year wedding anniversary!

Tom and I in February of 2006, a few months after we first started dating.

Tom and I two weeks ago in September 2013.

Happy Anniversary!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A & A Tie the Knot

Ashley and Andrew
If you are a regular reader of this blog,  you may recall me saying,  every once in a while you encounter people in your life who have an innate ability to change you. Two such people for me are brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Andrew and Ashley. Without even realizing it, they have become a pillar in my life for support, adventure and comedic relief. Ashley and Andrew got married this weekend, and I couldn't be happier for them.

Upon meeting Ashley, your first impression may be that she is a shy girl. In fact, your second, third and fourth impressions of her might also be that she is a shy girl. But over the years, I have come to know and understand that Ashley is bright, intelligent, fiercely loyal and ferociously adventurous. To borrow the words of her maid-of-honour, Kelli, Ashley is humble and radiates kindness. And underlying everything, she has an iron will, full of determination to accomplish anything. 

Andrew, on the other hand, is so very much like his dad and brother-- and yet so very different. He is lighthearted and witty, with an ability to set individuals at ease in his presence. Andrew is a walking encylopedia of information and fun facts. He works hard, plays hard, and will always be there for you if you need him. Andrew will go toe-to-toe with Ashley when it comes to loyalty, adventurousness and determination.
Ashley and Andrew form a couple that I regard with the utmost respect.

Below, I'd like to share some photos from their day, as well as Tom's toast-to-the-groom.


Andrew escorting his grandma, followed by Barb and Dave.

 Ashley's dad walking her down the aisle.

Ashley's niece/flower girl walking down the aisle. Her sign reads "Funcle, here comes your Bride!" Funcle is her niece's nickname for Andrew.

Wedding party.

Andrew and Thomas.

Good evening everyone, I’m Thomas Greig, Andrew’s older brother. I was very honoured when Andrew asked me to be his best man and maybe a bit weirded out - you see it kind of felt like he was proposing to me. He got down on one knee, took my hand and delivered a long flattering speech using phrases to describe me like guiding light and inspiration. Okay, so maybe there isn’t any truth to that. Let me read what Andrew actually said and you’ll understand why I made up that story. Delivered to me via text message: “Thank you for allowing yourself to be selected best man. I think you’ll do ok. Just don’t screw anything up. But seriously thanks.”

Many of you refer to our groom as Andy. I never have,  but I much prefer it over what my friends call Andrew - Thomas 2.0. Stronger, faster, smarter, better looking they’d say. But my friends ain’t the brightest bunch - they don’t know what they are talking about - clearly Andrew looks up to me. On second thought that was a poor choice of words as Andrew literally has not looked up to me since 1997.

My late Grandpa Nunn had a nickname for me and Andrew when we were kids - Pete and Repeat. I would run and jump off the couch, Andrew would be right behind me. I would say something clever, Andrew would echo it as he was unable to match my wit. And much to my parents disappointment, I was a terrible two year old and then Andrew redefined what the terrible two’s meant. I used to think that Pete and Repeat was something that ended in childhood but in preparing for this speech I realize that's not the case.

  • In 2009 I proposed to Amanda at Emerald lake, in 2012 Andrew proposed to Ashley at Emerald lake
  • I bought the engagement ring at the same jewelry store grandma Nunn worked at, Andrew did too
  • In 2010 I bought the stylish, powerful yet versatile Honda Fit and Andrew did too

Andrew and I are about two years apart in age and growing up it always felt like we were twins. Which was further reinforced by our mom dressing us in the same clothes at an age where were were unable to fight back.
Andrew and I spent nearly 23 years living under the same roof. I have so many great memories from our childhood and I’ll take a moment to share a few;

  • Drawing spaceship battles on sheet after sheet of computer paper dad “borrowed” from work
  • Turning appliance boxes into spaceships
  • Dressing up like women… Which one of his groomsmen, Cody, may attest to.
  • The summer when Andrew moved in to my bedroom and we were roomies.
  • That first summer when we didn’t have to go to bed when the sun was still up
  • Playing video games in the man cave
  • Discovering morality and cause and effect all through a relationship with a water balloon launcher

As we grew older, we began, as most brothers do, to fight and boy did we ever fight. One particular scrum stands out in my mind, it also happens to be the reason for my only visit to the Hospital. An argument, which I believe was over the remote control, quickly escalated to an all out fist fight. I remember it quite well. We were wrestling on the couch. My clenched fist at the end of my trusty right hook, flying towards Andrew’s face at tremendous speed, poised for a knock out blow. Then at the last possible second out of nowhere he expertly dodged and my hand, not making direct contact, crumpled and broke on his chin.

Andrew was the best man at my wedding three years ago. He said he would return the favour, which at first I was excited for, until I recalled the events that preceded me asking him. It was a beautiful day in January and we were x-country skiing. After a long steady climb, we came to the top of a steep hill. I went down first and shouted up to him to come down, neglecting to warn him about a large icy patch at the bottom of the hill. For a millisecond or two I actually thought he was going to make it,  but the next thing you know, its a full wipe out,  and he is breaking his fall with his face. What looked up at me at the bottom of that hill was a face only Ashley could love. But look at him tonight, he looks great - Its amazing how similar pig skin is to humans.

Andrew found himself a hell of an engineer and a hell of a woman in Ashley. They’ve been together for so long that I actually can’t remember the moment I first met her. Even when they were living apart for work, they found a way to be together. When Amanda and I visited Andrew in Burnaby, there was Ashley, waving to us on the computer via Skype. I think they just left the webcams on and went about their days like they were rooms apart instead of provinces apart.

Andrew will make a great husband because he’s a great person with great qualities. On a multi-day packing trip on Mount Rainier, Ashley suffered an injury to her knee. Andrew was there to carry her pack, and offer reassurance to raise her spirits. In those moments it was so obvious how much he loved her and the lengths he would go to make her feel better. Andrew loves Ashley so much that he even emulates our mom when nagging her to enough drink water to fight her frequent bouts of heat stroke and dehydration. Perhaps most telling of Andrews love for Ashley is his restraint from making too much fun of her obsession of the TV show Big Brother.

The four of us have spent a great deal of time together over the years and we’ve gotten to know Ashley very well. Adventures during the summer, winter vacations and chillin’ at the manor with grams. But perhaps most meaningful, when we became roomies, when they opened their home to us during the flood. Ashley, Amanda and I are so happy we can now refer to you as our sister (and it will actually be true). You are now the third member of our family with the initials A.G. And lastly, welcome to a lifetime of people misspelling and mispronouncing your surname.

I ask you to raise your glass and join me in a toast to my brother, a man with a great sense of humour, an even better taste in women and perhaps most importantly an iron jaw.

The cake and cupcakes I baked for the wedding.

Ashley and Andrew cutting the cake!

Tom, Ashley, Andrew and I.