Sunday, December 30, 2012

Emerald Lake, Snowshoes and Fever

2012 is quickly coming to a close, so Tom, Andrew, Ashley and I made an end-of-the-year excursion to Emerald Lake Lodge near Field, B.C.. Tom proposed to me at this very lake in July of 2009, and Andrew proposed to Ashley there earlier this year, so we all attach some sentimental meaning to this particular lodge. Or at least...  I do!

This was the first time we have been to the lake in the winter, all of our previous experiences have been in the warmth of the summer. Our first matter of business was to go snowshoeing!

Tom modelling his snowshoes.

The four of us always seem to have good luck with weather, whether it be winter sports or summer hiking. It was about -5 at the lake, perfect weather for a walk in the snow.

Tom and Andrew trudging along lakeside.

Tom was the first person to fall into the snow, and he did so multiple times during our two hour outing. We saw a few other individuals out on cross-country skis. But for the most part, we were on our own in the quiet.

A view of Emerald Peak.

Ashley and Andrew taking a break on a snow covered bench.

When we finished snowshoeing, we took a dip in the hot tub. Of course, Tom and Andrew decided to run from our cabin to the hot tub barefoot in the snow. It's no short distance from the cabin to the hot tub-- probably 150m at least. As Ashley and I trailed behind them (shoed and clothed), one of the Emerald Lake employees called after us, "At least you're wearing shooooes!"

Within hours of returning from our outing, I started to feel not-so-hot. I was struck down with a second cold in a mere two weeks! SO UNFAIR! I spent our last night at the lodge huddled in bed with a mild fever, while everyone else watched a movie in our adjoining rooms.

Tom and I.

Now that I'm home, I'm stilling dealing with a runny noise and a pesky cough. Hopefully I'll be able to beat it quickly.

2013 is almost upon us. Stay safe, and have fun! 

Happy New Year!

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