Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Tom and I landed in Calgary on a Sunday evening. Happy to be home, we forgot to set an alarm and slept for a glorious 13 hours. This meant that we were only awake for ten hours the following day where we sorted through a mountain of laundry and got groceries to fill our sadly empty fridge. However, it turned out to be not-so-glorious when I couldn't fall asleep and only got four hours of sleep before I headed back to the office. On my first day back to work, I was jet-lagged and groggy.

I walked into my office, and the first thing I saw was that every single one of my shoes, normally lined up in a neat row under my desk, were gone.

My geologist, cackling evilly, told me, "Did you look up? That's the only clue you're going to get."

Yes indeed. My team had taken every single one of my shoes, and wedged them into a ceiling tiles in the offices around our floor. There are about 40 empty offices, as our company is in the process of moving us over to the new Bow building.

I spent the next 25 minutes climbing up on desks to pull them out, while my petrophysicist followed me around the floor (watching me struggle) sipping his morning coffee. In fact, he came in early that morning, just to see how I reacted. I threw a pink runner at him.

I can't even say I was angry. I love that my team has a sense of humor. It was kind of nice to come back to a prank. They were even thoughtful enough (and I use the term "thoughtful" loosely) to count my shoes ahead of time so I could be sure I'd gotten them all back. And our female geologist showed them how to wedge them into the ceiling tile without damaging them. 

I had a bit of trouble finding the last runner. It was hiding in the staff kitchen freezer. But now all of them are accounted for.

I love my shoes!

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