Sunday, November 25, 2012

Moving in at the Bow

My company has been in the process of building a new building for the last three years. It is now the tallest structure in the city, and while it is not fully complete (some of the upper floors are still being constructed), many of us made the much anticipated move into the Bow this week.

My office.

Office moves are always a bit of a headache, but this one went pretty smoothly. Unpacking always creates chaos, and reminds me what a pack-rat I am.

Unpacking -- chaos reigns.

But once I found a home for everything in the furniture, it became functional very quickly.

Settled in.

Although I had this misfortune of getting an office with a support pillar and cross beam, creating a little weeny triangle window, I can't complain about the view. Up on the 40th floor, I have a great vantage point of James Short Park.

James Short Park.

But I can also see over and out towards the river.

Bow River.

And during our first week in residence, we learned that the 40th floor has it's own weather systems. Sometimes my view isn't so great.

Fog whiteout.

But I also know that there are greater offices for me to aspire to. One of the senior geophysicists was lucky enough to score this new office!

Fancy big office!

The biggest bonus is once again being connected to the rest of downtown by +15's. It's so nice to go for lunch without having to take a coat with you.

Overall, it's not too shabby of a place to spend 9+ hours a day!

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