Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sun, Rain and Maui

This is the third tropical vacation that Tom and I have taken together; Maui in 2010 and Tahiti in 2010. On both vacations, Tom ended up with a wicked sunburn. If you know Tom, it's not a shock-- he is practically transluscent! We actually DISCUSSED the previous sunburns before we left. We talked about how this time around, we were going to be even MORE diligent about sunscreen. This was not going to happen again. There was going to be absolutely NO sunburn. Which is why this time we thought we had everything under control. We reapplied as soon as he got out of the water.

Fast forward to three hours later...

Clearly SPF 30 just isn't good enough for Tom. I think we're going to have to invest in something a little strong.

During our last visit to Maui, we drove the road to Hana, which is an eastern route on the island. This time we drove western route through Ka'anapali. The road, if you can believe it, was more windy, sketchy and nauseating. Or maybe it just felt that way because I didn't take any queasiness medication. However, the windy section of the road was considerably shorter than the road to Hana, and there were just as many beautiful sights to see. The main highlight was a section off the highway of large igneous structures that are constantly being battered by the ocean.

Our snorkeling has been quite successful so far! In addition to the bajillion brightly coloured fish, I have seen two turtles, an eel and a small octopus. The water is a lot colder than I remember, and I ended up investing in surf shirt. I'm not sure if it was really that effective-- my lips still turned blue!

The last couple of days, the weather has turned on us. It poured for a good two hours in the afternoon, and it was actually a bit cold! There have been flash flood warnings on Oahu and Kauai, and recently some for Maui County as well. It has put a damper on some of our plans, since almost everything we want to do is outside. But even in the pouring rain, it's still nice here than it is back home.

We're hoping to get a hike in today, and a little more snorkeling!

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