It's hard to believe that it has already been four years since Ashley, Jeff, Steve and I graduated University, and took ourselves off to Australia. Yes, indeed! We departed for our trip on May 11, 2007. In honour of this anniversary, here are some of my favorite shots from the trip from the month of May.
The classic shot of the Sydney Opera House. Much smaller in person that I had imagined.
Giant bats (~12-14") in the Sydney Royal Botanical Gardens.
In the Sydney Aquarium underwater tube.
Goldfish shaped carrot in Sydney Chinatown meal.
Jellyfish at the Melbourne Aquarium.
Ashley gets attacked by a bird!

The Twelve Apostles on the Great Ocean Road.
Limestone cliffs on the Great Ocean Road.
Ashley (behind the camera): "Get closer! Touch the Kangaroo."
Amanda: "No way! It's looking right at me!"
Vineyard in the Barossa Valley (it was winter so the vines weren't producing).
Jeff and I sandboarding at Little Sahara on Kangaroo Island.
Our first experience with a Wolfman spider.
No one wanted to get close enough to add something for scale.
This spider was about the size of the palm of your hand (minus fingers).
The Remarkable Rocks on Kangaroo Island, a granitic extrusion.
Steve booting Jeff in the ass at the Remarkable Rocks.
Stay tuned for more Aussie pictures in June!
Every time I see that bird picture, I swear he's thinking "I claim this scalp in the name of Birdy McGougington and the Feather clan."