Sunday, May 8, 2011


As some of you might already know, the senior geo, Neil, that I've been working with for the past year and a half is retiring at the end of the month. I have very mixed feelings about his retirement. Of course I'm happy for him, but I am also sad to see him him go. Having worked with a variety of geo's in the last six years, I have come to the conclusion that there are only a few truly great mentors out there, and Neil is one of them.

Actually, I've been lucky to work with several great mentors. But I've also met my share of people out there that mentor because it is part of their job description-- not because they enjoy teaching. It's made me appreciate just how much Neil enjoys sharing the knowledge he's accumulated over his career. And in addition to showing me the ropes at work, he also took the time to get to know me as a person.

For the last few days I've been putting my crafty skills to use. I think something that is handmade is a great way to express your thanks to someone, so I've been constructing a retirement card for our team to sign.

First I used leftover paper from various wedding decorations and Christmas tags to create these tropical fish.

These fish fit in with my "Fin-ished" theme.

And with the help of the template on, I put the finishing touches on the inside!

I have some googly eyes I'll add to the shark when I get to work tomorrow. But overall, I'm very pleased with the results. Plus, there is lots of room on the card for signatures and well wishes from colleagues. Card success!

It's also Mother's Day today, and I hope all the moms out there are getting spoiled by their families. Happy Mother's Day, Mom! And Happy Mother's Day, Barb!

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