Sunday, April 17, 2011

Inner and Outer Balance

When I started doing yoga two years ago, I didn't know much about it. My friend, Heather, would go to classes two or three times a week and often talked about how much she loved it. But my vague impression of yoga was that it was a bit "out there" with the meditating, loud breathing, and the spirit-mind-body mumbo-jumbo. I know that might be kind of offensive to all the hard-core yogis out there, but all I'm trying to say is that I had no clue what yoga was.

So, how did I get in to yoga in the first place?

I tried yoga purely out of convenience. I was sitting in an office at a computer all day, every day, with very little variation to my routine. When I realized my company offered lunch-hour fitness classes, I decided to try one out. And... I really, really liked it!

Yoga is much more intense than I thought it would be. I am pleasantly tired after classes, and always interested to see what new postures and stretches the instructors will throw at us. What I like about yoga the most are the challenges. There is always a new asana (that is, body position) to try. And while many of them seem impossible at first, there is no better feeling than finally nailing an elusive pose! My strength and flexibility have increased leaps and bounds over the last two years.

Here are some poses I have mastered over the winter session:

Sitting Forward Fold

I can't do this every day. But around week 8 of each session of yoga (approximately 12 weeks in total), I hit my peak of maximum flexibility and strength. Then there are a few weeks of off-time before the next session starts, and I have to build myself up again.


I haven't been able to do this since I was 12! Interestingly, I am only able to do splits with my left leg forward. I tried to find an old photo of me doing the splits. I'm not sure what happened to it, because I know it was the sister photo to the one I've posted below. I'm about eight here, and I don't think it is possible to replicate this pose...

Circa 1992


This is an arm balance that probably looks a little crazier than it actually is. It's a bit reminiscent of a hand stand, which I am familiar with from my brief childhood stint in gymnastics. It looks pretty cool though!

Side Crow

This arm balance in my crowning achievement for the winter. I had never heard of or seen this pose until Jasmine mentioned hearing about it during one of her yoga sessions. We googled a photo of it, and I immediately found myself thinking, I. Will. Learn. This. I went home and searched You Tube for an instruction video. And with the help of a Dutch instructor, Esther Ekhart, I started practicing. I mashed my face into the ground many, many times before I found my center of balance. This time I found myself thinking, "SUCK IT, YOGA! I OWN YOU!" A very un-yoga-like attitude!

I am currently working on Flying Pigeon. It will eventually look like this:

Esther Ekhart in Flying Pigeon.

I can't quite get my leg up yet.

And many attempts end in a face plant.

But that's not a big deal. That's what pillows are for. Er... Sort of.

If you've never tried yoga before, I suggest you give it a go! You might be pleasantly surprised like I was. If it doesn't help you find an inner balance, I guarantee it will help with your outer balance and strength. Yoga is something I look forward to every week. Now that I've started, I can't imagine going back to a yoga-less life.

I'm definitely a yoga convert!

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