Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ending on a Low Note

This Easter weekend turned out to be a very busy three days. We had two delicious family dinners; one of lasagna and one of the largest ham you've ever seen. I had some tasty Star Wars themed drinks thanks to our local mixologist, Jeff! Tom and I also had a fantastic orphan dinner, care of Mallary's cooking skills! The orphan dinner included cheesy scalloped potatoes (from Paige and Chris), proscuitto wrapped asparagus (*Drool*), spinach and artichoke dip in toasted wonton wrappers, carrots and green beans, beer can chickens and gravy, and... The grande finale... Homemade cream puffs! The cream puffs were amazing! Mallary, you absolutely out-did yourself this time!

I broke out my bunny ears for our family Easter dinner because I thought Dylan might like them. I found them in an old box of costume materials that my mom gave me when I moved out. I think Dylan did like the ears, but he didn't want them anywhere near his head. He has also reached an age where he likes to contradict adults. So... It was hard to tell.

Dylan got a set of coloured bubble-blowers from grandma and grandpa. It was surprisingly challenging to aim his breath through the holes on the bubble maker. As a result, a lot of the bubble solution ended up on his face.

After consuming half of the chocolate in a KinderSurprise, Dylan was on a surprisingly high sugar kick. He burned it off by burying Uncle Tom in pillows for about 25 minutes. When that got boring, they hid inside a pillow fort. Then Dylan bossed me around and told me to "Shut the door (on the fort), Auntie Manda!"

In the mean time, Dylan's baby sister, Madelynn, had a snooze on the floor a few meters away. She didn't seem to mind the ruckus at all!

We were supposed to have brunch with Ashley and Andrew this morning, but unforeseen circumstances caused us to cancel our plans. No worries! We'll catch them the next time they are in town. It's actually probably for the best that they aren't available. I felt a cold coming on last night, and it is now in full swing. Headache, cough, congestion-- you name it, I've got it! Advil, ColdFX and Bentasil cough drops have become my best friends. Talk about ending Easter on a low note.

I'm going to go drink some tea and watch TV in bed now.

Happy Easter!

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