Sunday was the Heritage Classic at McMahon Stadium, Calgary Flames vs. Montreal Canadiens.

Although it was chilly, we had money gouging $8 hot chocolate to keep us warm. We also had plenty of people around us to act as wind barriers. And once the game started, the Flames scored goal after goal, after goal. In the end, the score was 4:0! Shutout for the Flames. The fans were definitely not disappointed.

Ashley and I started the day with an unpleasant train ride to Banff Trail Station. It was overflowing with people, and at each station more people tried to get on. This lead to jammed doors, and being stuck at train platforms. On a regular day, the train ride would have taken about 25 minutes. It took us almost 45 minutes to get to our destination!
When we finally made it to McMahon Stadium, there were huge lines of people, everywhere! We were worried we weren't going to make it inside before the game started. It seemed like no one new where the actual line was, so multiple lines we amalgamating into mass confusion. The crowd was impatient!
Our seats were on some rickety temporary stands which appeared to be a metallic web of joints. When we stood during the National Anthem, the whole structure seemed to sway a bit. It was a very unpleasant sensation. However, they were excellent seats; you could see everything.
Paul Brandt sang the National Anthem. I hear he has a new CD coming out this year. It's about freaking time!
The Snowbirds made a flyover.
Ashley and I didn't completely freeze our tails off! Just our toes and fingers. I'd be game for something like this again (even if I am a fairweather fan...). Go Flames!
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