Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mauruuru (Thank You), Moorea!

Days always pass so quickly when you are enjoying them.

The mornings always seem to be the best part of the day in Moorea. As soon as the sun starts to rise over the horizon, we are very aware of the houses across the lagoon where some of the locals live. Daylight beacons the roosters that live there, and so begins the never-ending shrieking of, "Cock-a-doodle-doooooo!" "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOOOOO!" For the rest of day (and sometimes into the night) we can hear them crowing away. If the air condition is on, or the wind picks up, the noise is drowned out for a little while.

It has been very windy here. We overheard a couple last night telling another couple that it is usually breezy, but has been more so than normal on this visit. It is a continuous wind-- it doesn't seem to gust. But it is moist and humid.

An example of the wind.

Since it is always moist and humid, my hair has reached epic proportions of hugeness. In 2005 when I was in New York with Ashley and Kim, it rained a lot, and it was also humid. Both Ashley and I found our hair getting bigger and bigger. We compared Ashley's gigantic hair (which is much thicker than mine) to a lion's mane. We called her Simba, in honour of the Lion King (and the lion in the Museum of Natural History)! I'm pretty sure my hair has surpassed Ashley's Simba mane.

Tom has another sunburn. I'm happy to report that unlike his Hawaii burn, it is an even, all-encompassing burn this time. No patches from uneven sunscreen application. I'm sure he got it because he spent so much time snorkelling! He is trying to stay out of the sun, but I don't know how long that will last for!

Eating meals out here has been very interesting. Yesterday we ate breakfast at 8:15am, and then didn't eat again until 6:00pm for dinner. I didn't feel particularly hungry in the interm. We has the most amazing crepes for dinner. Crepes are delicious in any country. My savoury crepe was ham, cheese, mushroom and egg. Tom's was seafood in cream sauce. Then we both had a dessert crepe as well. Mine was aptly named "Le Bounty," and was full of chocolate, banana, coconut, and almond, topped with whipped cream and coconut sorbet. Tom's was similar-- chocolate, pineapple and coconut with whipped cream.

Amazing dessert crepe, "Le Bounty."

After dinner it was dark, but the water was very still and clear. Near the crepe bar there were lights over the water, so we watched about a dozen black tipped reef sharks circling underneathe us. They were maybe about 1m to 1.5m in length. They aren't around during the day while we were snorkelling, the just come it at night.

Black-tipped Reef Shark.

Coconut is delicious in all forms. Raw coconut, coconut sorbet, coconut bread, coconut milk... Coconut cookies! It also seems like everything I try is made of papaya. Papaya jam, papaya juice, papaya ice cream! Yum!

Today was our last full day. We went on an auto tour of the island. We stopped at a distillery and sampled some various types of fruit alcohol. We also went to some beautiful vantage points for scenic photos. I'll post those another time though!

Tomorrow we'll be heading to the airport in the evening. We unfortunately have to take a red-eye to get home. I'm glad we have a few days of weekend to get ourselves back to normal in Calgary. The staff at the reception desk says that since we have come here for our honeymoon, we must come back every five years for our anniversary. That doesn't seem like a hardship to me!

Mauruuru, Moorea! It's been lovely!

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