Thursday, July 8, 2010

Creeping Towards "Late 20's"

Jeff, aka JDiva. I copied this photo from Facebook!

Today marks the 10th birthday that I have celebrated with Jeff.

Can you believe it? TEN YEARS OF BIRTHDAYS! We were only 15 when we first met in Social Studies all those years ago. Remember how Mr. Heydanus made us colour in a map of the provinces of Canada? Talk about advanced placement!

What would have happened to us if we'd never bonded over the freezing temperatures in the classroom, bullying Gil, and erroneously (but hilariously) labelling Jesse as a transvestite? No chimney sweeping, no snow whore, no Sound of Music, no Dirty Harry Fest, no breaking Steve's wrist, no Australia or Giggle Twinz. Or perhaps the greatest tragedy of all... No Ho-Train! It sounds like life would have been pretty bleak for all of us.

Thankfully, this is not the case!

Jeff, you're 26 years old today. Next year you'll be entering your "late 20's," but for now, things are still looking good! You've got a great family, good friends, a smokin' hot girlfriend that you robbed from the cradle (this is what you get for being "the young one", Shauna), a career, an awesome apartment, a hilarious roommate, the coveted (?) title of "bridesman," and plenty of future opportunities.

Here's to another great year for you!



  1. Hahaha, wow, my very own shout-out! Putting it all that way, my life *is* pretty awesome! It's a good thing I have friends like you guys to share it with!

  2. BA HA HA! I love that Giggle Twinz is spelled with a z. Awesome.

    Here's to 10 more years of annoying the living bejesus out of our friends Jeff!
