Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I'm going to interrupt my account of the last few days of the trip with a short post!

On Sunday I went through all my trip photos (and Steve's and Jeff's) and uploaded some to the photolab on Superstore.ca so I could get prints.

I noticed that Steve did a wonderful job capturing candid moments on the trip. And he got some fantastic portraits out of them. I admit, at the time, it seemed invasive! You'd be talking away to someone, and then, BAM! You'd look up, and Steve would have a camera right in your face! Or, you'd be enjoying a moment of solitude and... HELLO! Steve's zooming in on you! But, as you will see, the images he turned out speak for themselves.

Steve said that if I used any of his pictures, I should use his "watermark" on them. He doesn't actually have a watermark-- but to emphasize Steve's creative genius let me reiterate: THESE ARE STEVE'S PICTURES!

Subject: Tom

If you know Tom... Then you know he loves to ruin photos. He looks away at the last second, strikes a ridiculous GQ pose, waves his limbs around... He'll do pretty much anything to ruin a classy photo. Except... In Tom's mind, he's not ruining them. He's making them more interesting! So, good on Steve for catching Tom in an unguarded moment. Look at the results!

Subject: Shauna

Here's Shauna at the Luau. I'm not sure if this photo would have had the same affect if it had been taken in colour. Something about the shadows makes this photo! Or maybe it's because Shauna has such a big smile! She sure is puuurdy!

Subject: Billy

Okay... This photo doesn't have the same feel as the last two. And Billy is clearly striking a stoic pose (and doing a very good job at it, I might add), but I love it regardless. No... Billy didn't have a murse. He was just being such a good sport about holding my purse. Anyway, I think this is an excellent comical shot.

Subject: Me!

Okay, remember how I said Steve's techniques at times felt a little... Invasive? Do you SEE? For every fantastic photo, there's multiples like the one above. My expression says it all! "We're doing this again? Get that out of my face!"

But here's a better one! Steve says I have a "knowing" look in this one. I know there is a camera pointed at me? Maybe?

Subject: Jeff

Is... Is Jeff seducing the camera? Does anyone else see that look about him? "Come to me... Yes, you... Come to me..." Or, is it more of a threatening look? "I'm going to MESS. YOU. UP." Perhaps a look of warning? But that's the beauty of it! It's mysterious...

Subject: Ashley

I've saved the best for last! This is definitely my favorite "person" photo from the trip. You know how people talk about someone "lighting up" when they are happy? Well, I think that pretty much sums up this shot. I've never seen a photo of Ashley with so much light in her before. It's beaming out of her! She looks lovely! *Envious Sigh*

If anyone is a new reader to this blog, you might be wondering... Who IS this Steve character? And how did he get so good with his camera?

I give you... In all his aloof and dispassionate glory... STEVE!

Tom managed to snap this one!

Thanks, Steve! You sure captured some great moments.

Anyway, I'll post some pictures from the Luau, snorkeling and the volcano on the weekend. Promise!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the photo credit, and thank you for not using the phrase "Steve-arazzi."
    I promise, I will avoid taking candid pictures of you all in the future, so as to remain a bit less distracting. It's just that my 3rd rate camera isn't so good for capturing vistas and scenery (plus everyone else is taking those same pictures, so I don't need to document them.) I always like looking at the people shots later more than the scenery, and I'm always willing to let my friends suffer for my art.
