Monday, June 22, 2020

Scarlett Turns Two

I think every parents must feel like a broken record when they reflect on how fast time is passing. It seems like just yesterday Scarlett was stumbling around, taking her first steps. Now she's running, jumping, riding her balance bike, insisting on walking up and down the stairs on her own, and generally terrorizing her sister on a daily basis. I love everything about her!

This little fiery red-head turned two today. She is a force to be reckoned with. She knows what she wants-- and she will do what she has to do to get it. Scarlett loves Peppa Pig. She loves taking care of her dolls and stuffed animals. She loves swimming and charges into water without a second thought for safety! She is a dare devil. She loves climbing at the park, she goes down slides on her own, she is constantly declaring, "No! I do it!" She likes to pick her own clothes, she likes to wear her big sister's socks and shirts, her favourite shirt is pink with a white poodle on it.

Scarlett loves her family-- not just her mom, dad and sister, but her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. At bedtime after visiting with family, she tells us, "I miss grandma and grandpa", and wants reassurance that she'll see them again soon. She loves ice cream, and chocolate, and gummy candies and apple juice.  And Scarlett loves "hoppies" (aka, bunnies), which is why I made her some Hoppy cupcakes for her birthday this year.

Scarlett is such a joyful little girl. Happy birthday, to our big two year old!

Monday, June 15, 2020

Back to Work in the Time of COVID-19

The last few weeks have been full of worry and angst, as we prepare to go back into the "regular" world. There's nothing normal about the regular world anymore, as social distancing, face masks and standing in appropriately spaced lines become ordinary.

It has taken a lot of time for me to get used to the fact that I'm going back to work. I'm personally not too worried about being back in the office-- my company has implemented a slew of safety procedures in the office, including daily symptom self-screening, face masks, continuing virtual meetings, 3-people per elevator, and encouraging frequent hand washing. I've decided that I'll bike into work for the spring and summer-- and as far into the Fall as I can convince myself to manage the cold.

The part that's been hardest for me is putting our kids out into the world again. At 4, and almost 2, they just aren't quite old enough to understand what's happening. Scarlett is a rampant finger-sucker, and I don't think I can even count the number of times a day I utter the phrase, "Take that out of your mouth" to either of the girls.

We've been lucky that we've spent the last three months safe, at home. And the province has collectively done a good job at flattening the curve and reducing case numbers. But as things get back to a semblance of "normal", case numbers will inevitably rise. And I don't want to even think about how cold and flu season is going to play out this year!

I'm trying my hardest to focus on the positive things we've managed to do during these last few weeks at home... Before being back to work. So, here are some highlights of our spring.

There was baking. Looooots of baking. The girls really love banana chocolate chip muffins. But I think they're solely in it for the chocolate chips.

Lacey and I have done a ton of window painting. She loved the giant rainbow we painted on our front window, and we have seen plenty of people stop to admire our handiwork.

We roasted marshmallows on the BBQ to make smores!

We watched all those seeds we planted sprout into hearty tomato and cucumber seedlings.

We went on worm hunts in the rain.

There was some sleepy moments... Because Scarlett plays so very hard, and crashes even harder!

There have been cocktails... Oh, thank you LuluBar for the COVID-cocktails.

 There have been bike rides and picnics.  

There have been games!

Perhaps one of my favourite things about our time at home has been the increasing number of times I have come across these carefully staged scenes of toys lined up in some sort of action narrative. Sometimes I'm actively involved in the play, but sometimes I find them without realizing the girls had been playing. And I wonder, what were these ponies all doing in the car? Where were they going?


There will be more good times as the summer unfolds. But for now, wish me luck, as I head back to work.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Love in the Time of COVID-19

Earlier this year, my long-time friend, Steve, told us that he was getting married this year. Just a small affair, immediate family and he and his bride's best friends.

To say I was looking forward to it is an understatement. I love weddings. I love love, and I love seeing other people in love-- especially Steve, who is cynical and mush-adverse in so many ways. 

As the pandemic set in, group events were limited and business began to close down. Steve and Mizcha got word that they would have to postpone their wedding reception. Their venue was one of the many business that was closing indefinitely.

Steve and Mizcha took it all in stride. They said they still planned to get married on their planned date, and they would have their party when they were able. Steve's sister sent out invitations so she could host the ceremony at her house. But as COVID-19 restrictions tightened, she eventually had to cancel that as well. 

But Steve and Mizcha still got married, and we still got to participate in our own small way. Steve's sister, Kate, married them on Sunday, May 3 in an appropriately socially distanced ceremony on her driveway. Her husband, daughter, Jeff and Gwen and Mizcha's best friend attended as witnesses.

I watched with Ashley, Steve's parents and Mizcha's friend, Dave, on Zoom. I attended wearing a yellow t-shirt with a dinosaur on it. 

Congratulations, Mizcha and Steve! I'm so glad you didn't let COVID-19 slow down your plans.