Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Lacey the Four-Year-Old

It seems surreal that four years have gone by since Lacey was born. That tiny little squalling baby is now this goofball and firecracker, all wrapped up with a pink bow.

This year, Lacey was once again spoiled beyond reason by family and friends. Her Auntie Ashley made her some amazing My Little Pony themed cupcakes for her family birthday party. Then she was showered in gifts, and ran around shrieking in joy until it was bed time. At which point she bawled hysterically from being overtired and over-excited.

The following day we hosted a kids party at a local rec center in their indoor play structure. Lacey once again ran around shrieking in joy, was showered in gifts, and then collapsed at home in bed for a well deserved nap.

But not before 13 ravenous kids devoured this entire butterfly and flower cake in one go.

The changes that we've seen in Lacey the last year have been a joy to watch. She's grown as an individual, as a student, as a big sister and a part of our family. 

She's a force to be reckoned with, like we always knew she would be.

Happy fourth birthday, Lacey! We love you!

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