Sunday, September 9, 2018

Adventures on the West Coast - Victoria

It's been two years since we've been to Victoria. Some of my mom's family lives there, and it's always nice to reconnect with them. My cousin once removed, Laura, is the closest cousin to my age and after we've visited, I always leave thinking it's a shame we don't see more of each other-- we have a lot in common!

The trip from Vancouver to Victoria is about 2 hours. One of the great things about the commute is that it's mostly a ferry ride. We may be stuck on a boat, but at least Lacey was able to get out and stretch her legs.

Lacey: I'm on a boat!

The novelty of being on the ferry didn't last for long, but we entertained Lacey with snacks, and walking around. We also played a round of shadow tag on the deck of the ship, which people seemed to enjoy watching! After that, we embarked on a short drive.

This is what Scarlett thought of the drive:

We arrived in Victoria around Lacey's nap time. But it was too much to ask that she nap right away in a new place. She could not be coaxed into laying down, so we took her to a park. By 5pm, she was ready to lose her mind with exhaustion. She was whiny, quick to cry, and uncooperative.

And then...

She passed out on the floor on her change pad. Blissful sleep! She needed it.

We enjoyed the rest of our trip visiting family, and exploring a bit of the city. We went to the government buildings by the water, and walked around. 

We went to the Beacon Hill park, we stopped at the Phillip's Brewery to pick up some beverages, had lunch at the Blue Fox, and we visited a farmer's market for fresh berries, nectarines and vegetables. And we were absolutely spoiled by our hostess, my cousin. Her fridge was piled high with food for us, and we enjoyed lasagna and salmon dinners. She also kept an eye on Lacey during one of her naps, and Tom and I walked to a nearby restaurant and had a drink by the ocean (Scarlett was asleep in her car seat, but she enjoyed the outing too). We also took Lacey to a nearby beach and let her dig in the sand. Overall, another great visit!

After four days, we headed off for our last stop on this trip. Our third annual trip to Tofino!

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