Friday, April 27, 2018

32 Week Bump

32 weeks bump! I'm not sure how I got so far into the third trimester already. This 32 week bump is definitely bigger than my 2016 32 week bump! It feels like there can't possibly be more room in there for her to keep growing, and there's still two more months to go...

With Lacey's pregnancy, I was constantly achy at night, and I would toss and turn from one side to the other because my hips hurt. I haven't had the same aches this time around, but I have been snoring myself awake. I don't usually snore-- and I'm sure it'll stop once the baby arrives. Tom will gladly attest that it's an annoying side effect of pregnancy.

Then again, at this point, there aren't any glamorous side effects of pregnancy. Except maybe that my hair is a lot thicker because it has stopped falling out... But I'll be sporting bald spots again when it starts shedding post-partum... So it all evens out.

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