Saturday, August 19, 2017

Muffin Nostalgia

Tom's grandma, Ethel, passed away in January of 2016. I did not write about it at the time because I wasn't sure what to say. I was seven months pregnant, and feeling very emotional that Ethel would never get to meet Lacey, and Lacey would never get to meet her. But Ethel got to feel Lacey kick many times, and she loved that. And Lacey also got a little piece of Ethel when we decided she would share her middle name, Frances.

When Ethel's kids (Tom's mom, aunts and uncle) cleaned out Ethel's home, I kept her muffin tins.

Now whenever I bake and use them (which is often), I think of Ethel. She always marveled at my cupcakes, and told me I was in the wrong profession!

I think Ethel would like that something of hers is helping to nourish her great granddaughter. Lacey has muffins at least once a day, and she gobbles them up like a little muffin monster.

Ethel would have been 97 today. Happy Birthday!

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