Friday, January 20, 2017

Bye-bye, Condo!

As of noon today, we hand over possession of our condo to the new owner.

Selling our home is a first-time experience for Tom and I. Even when we moved out of home in our 20's, or when I moved out of Ashley's house, we weren't actually saying good-bye to any property. Our parents are still in our childhood homes, and Ashley is still living in the same house. But this is officially good-bye for our condo, and I can't help but feel sad. Through all the ups and downs, it was our home for the last 8.5 years.

Tom and I stopped by on the weekend to say a final good-bye to the place, and to let Lacey roam around in the empty rooms.

Lacey 100% did not care. She was more interested in raiding her diaper bag for Cheerios than anything else. (Aside-- look at how awesome she is at free-standing now!)

I hope the new owner is as happy in the condo as we were!

Bye-bye, condo!

Monday, January 9, 2017

A New Year, A Little Late

Christmas sailed by this year. With us moving into our new house on December 17th, our holiday was a blur of unpacking, decorating, cleaning and errands. The move went great, the new house is amazing, things could not have gone better! We didn't get a tree this year, but that didn't stop me for getting a keepsake ornament for Lacey. Love it!

We spent Christmas Day with my family, and Boxing day with Tom's family. My two favourite photos are as follows:

Lacey having a blast with her cousin Dylan.

Our family Christmas shot-- the reflection in the mirror kills me!

Lacey had a blast at her first Christmas. She got toy after toy, and loved tearing tissue paper and wrapping paper (and eating it). Before we knew it, Christmas was over and done with, and there was only a few more days to New Years.

And then... It happened.

We were infected. By a bug. A nasty, nasty bug. It started with Lacey throwing up. Then she passed it on to me, and finally, Tom was infected. All of us throwing up.  

So, New Years passed with little fanfare in our household. Lacey went to bed at 7pm, and Tom and I were in bed by 10:30pm. Our one regret was that we weren't able to have the New Years Eve meal we had planned--wine,  cheese and charcuterie. Neither of us felt like eating meat and cheese so soon after our pukefest.

But eventually we got better. Actually, we got better rather quickly. It only took 2-3 days for the illness to pass, and we were all back to normal.

This past weekend, Tom, Lacey and I made a trip to Peasant Cheese to stock up on everything we needed for our charcuterie meal. The owner of Peasant Cheese is amazing, and we basically bought all the meat and cheese  she kindly suggested to us.

Our meal turned out to look pretty amazing. It makes my mouth water all over again just looking at it!

And then we topped off the meal with some prosecco, resting precariously on the floor on"That's not my tiger", and "Bathtime for Chickies", a true representation of the class act that Tom and I are.

All the best in 2017, everyone. Good or bad, you never know what each year will bring!