Saturday, September 24, 2016

Insane Inflatable 5k

A few months ago, Jeff, Gwen, Ashley, Jill and I signed up for the Insane Inflatable 5k. It's one of many novelty fun-runs that have been making their way from city to city in North America. Lacey was only a few months old when we signed up, and through my fog of new-baby brain, I vaguely thought that signing up for the race in the fall would give me some motivation to get back in shape again. That didn't exactly happen, but it was still a fun way to spend the morning.

We ran in one of the last start waves of the day, starting at 11:00am. I'm glad we picked this start wave, because it was hella cold and windy, and I hate waking up early. Of course, Lacey chose to wake up extra early anyway, so it wouldn't really have mattered!

Can you tell we're cold?! Jill, Ashley, Gwen, Jeff and I waiting at the start line.

The Inflatable 5k is pretty self-explanatory. Over a 5 kilometer course set out at Spruce Meadows, there were a series of inflatable obstacles that could be navigated. They could be anything. Walls to be scaled, objects to be crawled over or under, giant slides, bouncing balls, swinging inflatable pendulums, giant ladders-- it had it all.

Here's me scaling one of  the first obstacles!

Jill and Jeff taking a jumping approach to scaling the same obstacle (with a random racer in the between them).

Ashley, Gwen and Jeff at the bottom of an inflatable slide.

Guest appearance from work-pal, Ryan! He ran the race with his wife and kids.

A random photo op with a merman along the course (because we're obviously very serious racers!)

Jill bouncing from obstacle to obstacle, gladiator style.

I guess the race wasn't fun and games for everyone. The second last obstacle that Jill was tackling in the photo above was closed for a while as EMT's helped someone who was injured.

But we survived, injury free. Here are Gwen and Ashley scaling the final obstacle to the finish line.

And.... Done!


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