Friday, May 13, 2016

Here Fishy, Fishy!

One of the things I worried about while pregnant was how I would find time to do things for myself. I knew it would be hard once we had Lacey, but I was determined that I would carve out some me-time every once in a while to do things that I like to do.

Last week a set some time aside so I could make some cupcakes for a BBQ that one of my co-workers was hosting. The time had to be carefully allotted, and I made the cupcakes in parts. My plan was to make fish cupcakes, I drew out the design below:

Then I made the cupcakes in parts. I made the fins out of melted chocolate during the week while my parents were around to watch Lacey. I made the cupcakes and frosting later in the week with the help of Jill. And I decorated the cupcakes the day of the BBQ. Here is what the finished product looked like:

Pretty awesome, right? I love it when a design comes together!

So Tom and I loaded ourselves in the car, along with Lacey and all the cupcakes, and headed to the BBQ. Our host popped them into his fridge, and we had a chance to visit with co-workers that I hadn't seen in nine weeks! It was awesome! And then I asked our host if he could pull the cupcakes out of the fridge. 

And he did...

But he dropped the container!

There was full cupcake destruction! You guys, this is my worst nightmare! Of all the cupcakes and cakes I have made before, I have always been afraid that I would drop them before they made it to their destination! There was not a single fish left intact. They were all smushed and unrecognizable. I should have taken a picture of the destruction.

The kids still ate them, but I don't think they had any idea of what they were. And when I say the kids "ate" them, I mean that they sucked the frosting off them, and left soggy cakes everywhere.

Our host felt awful, it was clearly an accident. But it still makes me a little sad when I think about them. Poor little fishies!

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