Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What in the Actual Hell!?

Tom and I are a couple that BBQ year-round. Living in a condo, we have a little balcony that holds our BBQ, and it never gets snow or ice on it. It's actually very convenient. Five days ago we BBQ'd some Vietnamese pork meatballs, and last night, Tom was about to BBQ to some salmon, when he opened the BBQ lid and found this:

A nest!?


What kind of nest? We suspect it is a squirrel nest. I had seen a squirrel on our balcony yesterday, and a friend had mentioned seeing one the day before running back and forth when she was visiting.

Thankfully, there was nothing in the nest-- it was just straw and grass. But clearly, someone has been very busy over the last few days! I don't know what we would have done if there had been babies in it! I cringe to think about it.

Needless to say, dinner was very delayed last night, as we cranked up the heat in the BBQ in an effort to disinfect the inside.

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