Sunday, February 21, 2016

Curtains, Cross-Stitch and Cooking

37 weeks-- we've made it to early term! Basically, this little girl can be born at any time now, and (*fingers crosssed*) she shouldn't have any major health complications. She currently has a foot sticking out my right side. This seems to be one of her favourite positions. No amount of poking or prodding from me on the outside can get her to bring that foot back in. Or rather, she'll bring it back in, but she reclines back into the same position a few minutes later. It's probably getting pretty cramped in there!

I think we are (knock on wood) as ready as we can be for her arrival. We finished our six week baby class on Thursday night, and we've acquired all the major items that we'll need for her arrival. This weekend I did some cooking with my mom and mother-in-law, and stocked up on some frozen meals for the first weeks of chaos. The nursery is basically complete, except for maybe a rocking chair or glider. My mother-in-law, Barb, made these beautiful curtains which we hung last weekend. They really make it seem like a little girl's room!

And my mom gifted us with this cross-stitch alphabet that she made 40 years ago for my oldest sister before she was born. I put it into a new frame, and it's now up on the wall above the change table. Love it!

So the countdown continues. 11 days until my family leave begins, 20 days until my due date. Will she be early? Will she be late? Only time will tell!

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