Friday, August 7, 2015

Candy Melts

When it comes to baking, the discovery of candy melts has opened a whole new door into decorating for me. No longer am I limited only to frosting and hard candies... I can pipe my own designs!

Candy melts are basically coloured pieces of chocolate. The come in small solid disc shapes, and can be melted down to a liquid in the microwave. When they are in liquid form, you can pipe them into whatever shape you want them to be. If you pipe them on to wax paper, they will solidify, and then readily peel off the paper.

It's AWESOME! They come in every colour of the rainbow-- you can mix them in melted form in case they DON'T come in the colour you need. You can make your decorations ahead of time and store them in the fridge... Candy melts are a great discovery.

In July, I used candy melts to make two different decorations. The first were for a baby shower for a friend and beautiful mama-to-be, who is due in early October. She is expecting a little girl, and her shower was themed around a pink, white and gold colour scheme. I piped out some flowers for garnish on the cupcakes, and they were quite a hit.

An added bonus was that the shower hostess had a beautiful cupcake stand, so they looked even better all arranged in a tower!

My second project was Adventure Time themed decorations for Jeff's 31st Birthday dessert. Jeff has recently been watching a lot of Adventure Time-- a quirky cartoon with a plethora of characters.

I started by making a very simplistic drawing on paper with ballpoint of the basic shapes of the characters. Then I went about mixing candy melts to make suitable colours. Then I was able to pipe the different colour layers onto wax paper-- I had to wait for each colour to cool and solidify before I could add in the next.

And voila! Jeff had Adventure Time characters to decorate his chocolate strawberry shortcakes!

I am very pleased with how both of these turned out. But they were both very time consuming, so I'm gladly taking a break from baking, for the time being.

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