Sunday, November 16, 2014


I flashback to an instant message conversation I had with Jasmine hours before we caught out flight to Vegas for the 1/2 Marathon on Sunday:

Jasmine: You guys are not checking a bag, right?

Me: We are checking one bag.

If our life was a movie-- that's what they'd call foreshadowing! In this case, the producers would use ominous music to let us know that something terrible is about to happen!

Fast forward 6 hours.We are standing at the McCarran airport baggage claim in Las Vegas. It's fully of bags, and as people pick them up, the number starts to dwindle. And Tom and I are still standing there... Bagless.

Yes, indeed! Air Canada did not load our luggage onto the flight, so we spent the first 36 hours of our trip wearing the same clothes, compulsively checking our baggage tracer status online (which, FYI-- is really useless).We finally hit an outlet mall late yesterday so we could grab new socks, underwear, and a change of shirt.

The funny thing is, I almost always pack a spare shirt, a pair of underwear and socks into our carry-on backpacks when we fly-- specifically for this reason! But this time, I thought, "It's a short direct flight, I'm sure it will be fine."

Our bag did arrive at our hotel sometime in the early morning hours. It is now in our possession, just in time for the race. Sweet, sweet toiletries! Running shoes! Fresh clothes! It is amazing just how unsettled you feel when you don't have your stuff.

A little more than four hours until the half marathon starts!


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