Thursday, September 25, 2014

Four Years (Nine Years) Later

Tom and I took classes together during University, but it wasn't until a field school in August 2005 that we really met for the first time. We started dating near Christmas the same year. We got married in 2010, and today we are celebrating our four year anniversary (but really, it's been nine years). 

Geophysics Field School - August 2005

Celebrating Valentine's Day - February 2006

Christmas Party - December 2007

 Portland Science Center- September 2008

Grand Canyon Hiking - September 2009

Wedding Day - September 25, 2010

Hiking Mt. Rainier - August 2011

Guilin, China - October 2012

Venice, Italy - November 2013

Nine Years Later - September 2014

Gad, are we good looking or what?

Happy Anniversary! I can't imagine having spent the last nine years with anyone else.

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