Saturday, April 5, 2014

2014 Race Itinerary

Normally at this time of year I would be well into half-marathon training. The last two years I have run the Calgary half marathon which normally occurs the last week of May-- or in this case, the first weekend of June. After last year, two half marathons, eight months straight of training, shin splits and bruised heels, I decided I would take it easier this year, and only run one major race.

As it has turned out, it is probably for the best. I keep catching colds that have put me out of commission, and it has been so cold this winter, I have barely had a chance to run.

However, I have two races on my itinerary this year.

COLOR ME RAD - June 28

After having to opt out of Color Me Rad last year because of flooding, I deferred my race registration to this year. This is a 5km race novelty race-- I don't even think they record your time.  Basically, you run 5km with a pack of your friends while people throw corn starch colour-bombs at you. It is going to be AWESOME.


The Las Vegas Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon happens late in the fall. 13.1 miles (or 21.1km) down the Las Vegas strip-- starting at dusk.  The best part of this race is that it starts in the evening! I have never been much of a morning runner, so the idea of running later in the day is very appealing to me.
I had no idea this race was so huge. Past races have had around 45000 participating runners! I'm a little concerned about some of the race accounts I've read from previous racers-- some people say the race is not very well managed. Start corals are congested, not enough aid stations... But I hope that with years of experience of running an event this large, it will have improved over the years!
My full training won't start until early August, but I hope to get back to a more regular running schedule as the weather starts to warm up.
Ashley and Andrew will be joining us in Vegas for this race-- and hopefully Jasmine and Joel as well.
Looking forward to these races in 2014!

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