Sunday, January 26, 2014

2014 Starts in a Blur

Has anyone been wondering what happened to me? Three weeks, and not a peep! That's not like me.

All I can say is, work happened to me.

I started working for a new team, effective January 1st. And for the last three weeks, I have worked. And worked, and worked. There's a pretty big learning curve, not to mention a backlog of work that needed to be dealt with. There have not been enough hours in the regular work week to get it all done.

This weekend I was introduced to the wonderful world of being on-call. Having never worked at a job that required it before, my general impression is that being on call must really suck.

I can now tell you first-hand-- being on call sucks. Nothing like a phone call from the field at 4:05am on Sunday morning to start your day right.

I complain, but hey-- it's not all bad. I'm learning new things, I'm being challenged-- and I can see a light at the end of the tunnel. It was time for a change for me, and this is exactly what I was hoping for.

In the meantime, here are a few things that have kept me going.

Is there anything more delightful than elephants on a shirt?

Elephant shirt!

The news that Tom and I are apparently the face of Sirocco Golf Club on their event planning brochure. Check it out! That's us-- and that's our cake.

Sirocco Golf Club.

Breaking Bad. Tom and I burned through this TV series in December. During Christmas break, we were watching 2-5 episodes a day. The last time I was so sad to see a series end was Battlestar Galactica back in 2009. And let's face it-- Breaking Bad came to an infinitely more satisfying conclusion than Battlestar did. So long, Walt and Jessie!

Watching bad TV with friends. In this photo, they are watching Steven Seagal: Lawman. The show is terrible. It makes me die a little inside.  But my favourite part of this shot is that Nico (the orange cat featured below) has parked himself on Steve's lap. Steve is pretty much allergic to everything-- cats included. It's like these cats know, and hone in on him. Heh heh heh.

2014 has taken off in a blur. Happy New Year!

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