Saturday, May 26, 2012


Last year I ran my first 10km road race, as well as a couple shorter 5km road races. I had been running for a few years, but found that it really helped my motivation to have a specific target to run for.

This year I decided to up the ante with a bigger challenge, my first half marathon!

Since the end of March I have been following the half marathon training plan as outlined by John Stanton (the founder of the Running Room), in his book, Running. The program was 18 weeks which I modified into 10 weeks. The program  required five runs a week, which I managed to stick to pretty well, considering all the juggling I had to do with an already busy life!

April 2012 Running Schedule

May 2012 Running Schedule

This training program has culminated in a total of 301km of running in the last 10 weeks. I will knock off an additional 4km today, and end with the final 21.1km in the half marathon at the Calgary Marathon tomorrow morning. Weather looks like it's going to hold. My iPod is charged and loaded with my favorite songs, my GPS watch is updated and ready to go.  I have raised $675 (90% of my fundraising goal) for LINKages Society of Alberta, and hope that I will hit 100% by the end of the weekend.

I am nervous, but not nearly as much as I was last year. I am hoping to run this half marathon in 2:15, which I think is a reasonable goal.

So please, think good thoughts for me!

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