Jeff's Jack-O'Lantern.
Unfortunately, my friends all fall on the other end of the spectrum, and usually go all-out with costumes. I don't have the heart to truly boycott Halloween (which might be strongly related to my love of candy and baked goods), so I find myself in a costume year after year.
This year, Tom and I matched in stripes; him as Waldo, and me as an convict.

Tom and I gorging on the food spread.
I think Ashley and Steve would win prizes for best costumes with Ashley as a cannibal, and Steve as a semi-mauled explorer. Ashley's costume was complete with a bag full of oozy kidneys, hearts, fingers and ears. GROSS!

Ashley the cannibal and Steve the mauled explorer.
Jeff and Billy come in close with their dual costumes, mad scientist, and hunchback assistant. In honour of Igor, we lovingly referred to Billy as Bilgor. Billy's fake teeth were really gross, and I'm glad he took them out early in the night!

Mad scientist and hunchback assistant!
We also saw Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne, a bumblebee and a giant toaster! Unfortunately I don't have a picture of any of these costumes.
Each year, Jeff always manages to out-do himself with Halloween ideas. Several years ago there were lychee eyeballs floating in the punch, last year there was candy sushi... This year there was pumpkin stew, meringue bones, pumpkin cupcakes and spooky faces carved into the apples floating in the punch. And I can't forget about the fog machine on the front porch!

Halloween details.
Maybe next year I'll try a little harder to get into the Halloween spirit. In retrospect, there are many things I should look forward to. There is always a great spread of food, and I always end up having a good time. It's really just the costume that I dread stepping into.
Whether your trick-or-treating or handing out candy, Happy Halloween!