Monday, June 20, 2011

Get Stuffed

The adventures in stuffed food continues!

If you we recall, we previously made wontons and ravioli. This time we decided to tackle... Perogies!

I'm not sure if I've ever met anyone who doesn't like perogies. What is there not to like? Potato, onion, cheese, bacon... Perogies are stuffed with tasty goodness! And then on top of it all, you can smother them in some tangy sour cream.

By now, we girls are getting really good at making stuffed foods. Our technique can be divided into three easy steps.

Step 1: Preparation

Mallary preparing to roll out the dough. A special thank you to Jill's Kitchen Aid stand mixer. You made our life easier!

Potato and cheese filling.

Mallary: Do you think I shredded enough cheese?
Paige: There can never be enough cheese.
Jasmine(?): More cheese! Make it atomic orange!
*General Agreement*

Bacon and onions frying on the stove.

Not featured: Paige frying the hell out of that bacon and onion mixture! Nom nom...

Step 2: Construction

Me using the giant Hurricane glass to cut dough circles.

Mallary rolling, Jasmine and Jill filling and pinching. We've got this down to an art! Construction assembly-line style.

Perfect little parcels of cheesiness.

And finally, my favourite step of all!

Step 3: Consumption

Cheesy bacony goodness.

Enjoyed by all.
*Aside* Aren't Jill's bowls pretty?

With plenty left over for later...

If you are brave enough to make perogies on your own, I share Paige's Secret Family Recipe. At least... I hope it's not a secret recipe. Because if it was... It ain't no more!

Varenyky AKA Pyrohy AKA Perogies!!!
- By Paige

3 cups of flour
1 cup cold water
1 tbsp oil
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg

3 large potatoes (makes a lot)
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter
1/3 lb of cheese (for best results, ignore this and add cheddar until it is cheesy goodness)
3 tbsp oil
1/4 tsp pepper
3 tbsp butter
BACON (filling or on top)

Combine dough ingredients. Cover and allow to stand at room temp for 1/2 hour. roll dough to 1/8" thickness (NEED rolling pins!!!). Cut circles.

Boil potatoes and salt until tender. while potatoes boil, fry 2 medium onions with oil and butter until lightly browned. set aside. when potatoes are tender, mash with butter, cheese, pepper. allow to cool. place 1 tbsp filling in centre of each pastry circle. fold and pinch edges (I recommend fork). Boil in salted water for 4-5 minutes or until they float. drain. toss in onion and oil/butter mixter to prevent sticking.

Mom estimates 2 hours start to finish.

Also picked this up at a booth one year:

Butter & Onion saute for 2 dozen perogies:
2/3 cup marg
1 large chopping onion
2/3 cup whipping cream.
saute onions in margarine then pour in whipping cream. drain perogies and add to sauce. keep warming the -By combination for 15 to 20 minutes. (it is good with bacon).

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