Thursday, February 24, 2011

Heritage Classic

Sunday was the Heritage Classic at McMahon Stadium, Calgary Flames vs. Montreal Canadiens.

Ashley and I started the day with an unpleasant train ride to Banff Trail Station. It was overflowing with people, and at each station more people tried to get on. This lead to jammed doors, and being stuck at train platforms. On a regular day, the train ride would have taken about 25 minutes. It took us almost 45 minutes to get to our destination!

When we finally made it to McMahon Stadium, there were huge lines of people, everywhere! We were worried we weren't going to make it inside before the game started. It seemed like no one new where the actual line was, so multiple lines we amalgamating into mass confusion. The crowd was impatient!

Our seats were on some rickety temporary stands which appeared to be a metallic web of joints. When we stood during the National Anthem, the whole structure seemed to sway a bit. It was a very unpleasant sensation. However, they were excellent seats; you could see everything.

Paul Brandt sang the National Anthem. I hear he has a new CD coming out this year. It's about freaking time!

The Snowbirds made a flyover.

Although it was chilly, we had money gouging $8 hot chocolate to keep us warm. We also had plenty of people around us to act as wind barriers. And once the game started, the Flames scored goal after goal, after goal. In the end, the score was 4:0! Shutout for the Flames. The fans were definitely not disappointed.

Ashley and I didn't completely freeze our tails off! Just our toes and fingers. I'd be game for something like this again (even if I am a fairweather fan...). Go Flames!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Amanda's Favourite Things

Everyone has their favourite things. Something you'd be sad to part with if it was lost or broken. Something you use more frequently than you'd care to admit. I have a LOT of favourite things.

iPod Shuffle

I've had an iPod since about 2006. I started with a 2GB Nano, but quickly realized it didn't have enough memory for my music collection. Then I upgraded to a 32GB iPod Video. It has been my faithful companion over the last four years. It works fine on the bus and at work, but it gives me grief when I take it out on a run. The battery dies randomly, and it is cumbersome to keep in my pocket.

In October this year, I invested in an iPod Shuffle. It was THE BEST $60 I ever spent. I use it 2-3 times a week, specifically when I go to the gym. Although it is only 2GB, I have about 200 of my "gym songs" loaded onto it. It is so tiny I can clip it on to my clothes. I have only had to charge it twice so far, which means the battery has last over a month. I LOVE this little iPod. Love it.


I'm not exactly sure when I developed my love of shoes, or where it came from... But I have a lot of shoes. All the colours of the rainbow! Fancy, casual, business, athletic, beach... I'm fully equipped.

Under Armour Pants

Would you believe I've never owned a pair of sweatpants before?

I have multiple pairs of pajama pants that I have bought over the years, but I've never had sweatpants.

I bought some a few weeks ago, and the instant I get home from work, I live in them. They are the perfect length, they are warm, and they fit so well. In fact, I am wearing them right now. Thanks, Under Armour!

All Things Lululemon

I resisted Lululemon for a long time. I heard people raving about how wonderful their clothes were, but I just didn't believe it. It seemed like overpriced merchandise to me. But when I started doing yoga more regularly, I decided to try some Lulu goods. First I got some cropped pants... Then a tank... Then another tank... Then running shorts... Then running shirts... I have a pretty big collection of Lululemon now. This is my favourite running shirt, "Run Swiftly." The best part are the thumb holes in the sleeves. Your hands stay toasty!

Marmot "Ashley" Hoody

In 2007, Ashley and I spent at least a hour in MEC trying on fleeces. Neither of us wanted to bring a jacket with us when we were backpacking in Australia, and we thought a good fleece would be sufficient enough. We went back and forth between all the fleeces again and again before we both decided to get the same jacket.

WHAT A MISTAKE. Ashley and I soon learned that the MEC fleeces we invested in were the shittiest product ever marketed by MEC. Although they seemed fluffy, they had no lining. So when the wind blew, it felt like you weren't wearing a jacket at all. Those fleeces provided little warmth when we were freezing our asses off on a 15-hour Greyhound bus ride with no heat during a 0 degree night in the Australian Outback. Damn you MEC, you screwed us both!

Fast forward four years... I was still using that fleece. That terrible, terrible fleece. And every time I used it, I thought to myself, "Why are you using this thing? It's the worst piece of clothing you own!"

Finally I garbaged it.

Enter the Marmot "Ashley" Hoody. Exponentially more expensive than the MEC fleece I invested in all those years ago, but well worth it, considering it is infinitely better. Thicker, lined, warmer, well designed, hooded... I cannot begin to describe all of the fabulous features Marmot designed into this fantastic piece of clothing.

Marmot 1 : MEC 0

Sour Soothers

Look at this picture makes me drool. Oh sour soothers... How I love you so...

Those of you who know me well know that I love candy. Candy is... My one true weakness. When it comes to candy, I have no will power. Sour soothers, Swedish berries, gummy worms, peach rings, cola bottles, blue sharks... If they are anywhere near me, I will eat them.

Eat until my teeth hurt and my mouth is sore.

Eat until my tummy hurts. Like a child.

Sour Soothers are the greatest candy of all. And only Red Band Sour Soothers. Any other brand is a rip-off. The other kinds taste like soap (granted, I will still eat them if I am supplied with them), but Red Band taste like heaven!

Sour Soothers are indeed one of my favourite things.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Madelynn Carmella Gowan

The newest addition to the Gowan Family.

Madeline was born early on the morning of Tuesday, February 8. She was 7 lbs and 13 oz, with a full dark head of hair.

She was sleeping when we went to visit her last night; I imagine being born is an exhausting experience. Mom, Dad and little brother are also doing well.

Welcome, Madelynn! Uncle Tom and I look forward to spoiling you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

End of the Rainbow

Interestingly, the volleyball bruises (which are already two weeks old) have been much more stubborn than the curling bruise.