Monday, January 11, 2010

Bruise Be Gone!

After nearly 3.5 weeks of purple, yellow and black knees-- the horrific bruises I got before Christmas after my oh-so-graceful spill at work have finally healed!

To recap, I was walking back to the office (from Starbucks) with Ed, when I tripped over myself/wood planking (I'm not exactly sure what it was), and landed knee-first on the new tiles that are being grouted on the second floor of our office tower. Approximately 3-4 construction guys dropped what they were doing and all at once exclaimed, "OMIGOD! ARE YOU OKAY!?" Really... I was fine. Luckily I was wearing pants so I didn't flash anyone. All I left with was some severely wounded pride. Then I went back to the office, sat down in my chair and promptly rammed my knee into my desk-- by accident, of course! That hurt more than the initial spill. It probably added an extra shade of purple to the healing process. Ed felt pretty bad. He seems to think the oh-so-graceful fall was somehow his fault. If I were Steve, I probably would have guilted him in to buying me something. Instead I just took pictures and e-mailed them to him.

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