Tuesday, August 27, 2019

All Things Summer

Once I started back to work at the end of June, I knew the summer would fly by. And here we are, eight weeks later, with August already petering out into the coolness of fall.

I've been enjoying being back at work. Life is busy and hectic, but it feels good to be tackling new challenges. The girls are enthusiastic, energetic and thriving. Scarlett settled into our daycare routine with little fuss, although she has had two fevers and two colds already. She's feisty and adventurous, and has been happy to try each new experience daycare has offered her. Lacey becomes more expressive and sassy every day. Her imagination knows no bounds, and she loves making us pretend meals, and performing songs.

The weather this summer has been passable at best, so we've tried to take advantage of our very limited outdoor season. Scarlett's head is finally big enough for a bike helmet, so on any given week, you'll find us on a bike ride, somewhere.

Here's a recap of our summer in my favourite photos.

We celebrated Canada Day at Heritage Park, watching grandma line dance.

We went to the zoo!

We went to the Stampede. Lacey played a single game of Whack-a-Mole, and managed to win this gigantic pink unicorn. We just looooove him and his giant pink-hair-shedding presence in our house (*eye roll*)

We played in the river at Sandy Beach (which, FYI, has a very misleading name, it's not at ALL sandy). And despite the fact that Scarlett looks like she's upset in the photo, she loved the water!

We were silly.

We dressed up! Scarlett in particular has developed a penchant for wearing other people's shoes. And Lacey loves being Minnie, Elsa, Cinderella, Fancy Nancy or Rapunzel.

We played at parks.

Ice cream circa 2017.

Ice cream circa 2019.

We ate ice cream-- and I am happy to report Lacey no longer thinks ice cream and bike rides are the worst day ever!

With Labour Day about to roll around, we can say good-bye to summer. It was a good one!