Saturday, March 2, 2019

Three Years Old

Over the course of the last year, Lacey went from being a toddler, to a little girl. She lost her toddler chub, and has sprouted 10cm! Her vocabularly, speech and motor skills have flourished.

Our favorite part, by far, is watching her relationship with her little sister develop.

The changes happen so slowly, Tom and I don't notice them. But looking back on photos and videos from a year ago, the difference in glaringly obvious. These are the wonders of toddlerhood that parents speak of!

Lacey has developed a love of pink. I don't think we ever pushed pink on her. But one day she told us pink was her favourite colour, and after that, her clothes had to be pink, her stuffed animals had to be pink, and her favourite animal became a pink flamingo. At the zoo, she insists on riding the pink flamingo on the carousel. She has a variety of clothing with flamingos, she loves books with flamingos. So, it wasn't a hard sell when I suggested that I could make her some pink flamingo cupcakes for her third birthday.

I'm not going to lie. As I sat at our kitchen island for a second night in a row (three hours in total), piping flamingo heads with melted chocolate onto wax paper, I considered once that I had bitten off more than I could chew, and was a little worried about what these flamingos were going to look like. On their own, the flamingo heads looked a little demented.

But thankfully, everything came together beautifully, and I couldn't be happier.

And even more importantly, Lacey could not have been happier!

Happy 3rd Birthday, to our beautiful big girl!