Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Palm Springs - V3.0

As one can imagine, life is a whole lot busier with two little ones. And now that our littlest one is on the move, it's a whole lot more difficult to sit down and type out a blog post. After a three month hiatus, I'm back at it!

This time, back from our third visit to Palm Springs.

It's funny. When Tom and I were single and childless, we used to talk about how it was boring to go back to the same holiday destination again and again. Sure, we had spots we liked, but there was so much of the world we wanted to see, it seemed unfathomable to go back to the same location on repeat.

And then, we had kids.

And man, did our perception change. We still want to get out of town every once in a while, but now our destinations have been limited to short plane rides (3 hours or less) with direct flights. And... Guess what? That kind of limits our options. So we find ourselves going back to the same locations. And we even like it! Take that, past Amanda and Tom! You had no idea what you were talking about!

So, a quick review.

Our flights to and from Palm Springs were better than we expected. Lacey watched some shows on our tablet, and Scarlett miraculously slept through 75% of both flights. Tom and I even got to watch some MOVIES on the plane! Crazy Rich Asians, anyone? Yes, please!

We arrived at our hotel, and got the girls ready for bed. Then we proceeded to have a lovely week with a bit of warm weather and sun.

We visited the Living Desert zoo. Lacey fed a giraffe and we rode a camel together.

We visited a park. Scarlett had her first ride in a swing!

We jumped and splashed in the pool.

And... It wasn't that warm, so we did the pool like Canadians. The only ones at the pool deck, with fleece in tow.

We did a hike! I love hiking with Lacey, she is such an adventurer.

We mini golfed. Mini golf with a toddler is not really that fun (I mean, if you want to follow rules or actually PLAY), but also hilarious. They have no sense of spatial awareness, and she almost clubbed us with her golf club several times.

All in all, a great trip. And back home to the February deep freeze. When will it end!?