For Christmas, Lacey decided that she was going to ask Santa for blue Elsa gloves and blue Elsa heels. She was adamant for weeks that that is what she wanted. And so, on Christmas morning, Lacey was happy to discover that in addition to blue heels and blue gloves, Santa had also left her a blonde Elsa braid that would clip into her hair.
Lacey LOVED her Elsa braid.
So... Let's set the scene.
It's morning. I'm cleaning up breakfast dishes. Lacey is prancing around the living room with her Elsa braid on. She announces, "Mommy! I have to poop!" She tells me she doesn't need any help, so I am only half listening to the familiar sounds of her turning on the bathroom lights, opening up the toilet, and wiggling into her spot. A few minutes pass, and she announces, "I pooped!" I tell her good job.
And then...
A half shriek, and half cry.
Me: "Lacey, what's wrong?
A moment of silence.

Lacey: *Hysterical sobs*
You guys, this may have been a new low point in my life as a parent. I rushed into the bathroom, and fished that braid out of her poop. Even as I was doing it, a part of brain was saying," Nope. There is no amount of washing that can sanitize this piece of synthetic junk." I knew despite how crushed Lacey would be, it was going in the garbage. But at the time, I hadn't fully processed what had just happened, or what I'd just done. So I reassured Lacey that I would try to wash it (it went in the garbage three minutes later).
Later that day I told Lacey that I had tried to wash her braid, but I couldn't get the poop out. Although she was upset she took the news better than I'd expected.
New house rule: We don't bring our toys to the potty, in case they fall in.
As luck would have it, I was telling my brother and sister in law about this incident, and they told us that they had actually bought an Elsa braid for Lacey for Christmas, but they hadn't realized that Santa had gotten her one. So, that lucky girl, got a replacement Elsa braid a few days later.
But the story doesn't end here. Because a few days later, I caught Lacey trying to get on the potty with her new Elsa braid. I reminded her of the new house rule. We don't wear the Elsa braid on the potty, in case it falls in. And Lacey says, "It's okay. If it falls in, Auntie and Uncle will get me a new one."
Uh... No. That's not how it works.