Monday, October 8, 2018

Giving Thanks for Friends

Indulge me, while I take a moment to reflect sentimentally. It is, after all, a weekend for giving thanks. 

I'm a firm believer that all things, good or bad, happen for a reason. And as chance would have it, after my first year of working full time, Jill was installed in the office across the hall from me. 

Up until that point, I hadn't made much of an effort to make friends at my company. I had deep roots with my high school friends, and my introverted nature meant I wasn't all that keen on putting myself out there. 

But I still remember, distinctly, giving myself a pep talk when Jill moved into that office across the hall. "Amanda, it's time to move out of your comfort zone. You're going to try to make friends with this girl, Jill."

And here we are, over ten years later, and there are so many good things in my life that I can trace back to befriending Jill.

First and foremost, the connection to all these beautiful ladies! You've all been there for me through ups and downs, and I don't know if I would have bonded with you all, if it hadn't been for Jill!

The time we hiked to the Burgess Shale.

Or Goat Lake. Or Crypt Lake. 

The time we baked over a hundred cupcakes. Or ten epic recipes of Christmas cookies. Or 600 mini cheesecakes. Or a bajillion perogies. Or wontons. Or homemade tortellini...

The time(s) we packed all those boxes for Operation Christmas Child!

The time we went to Vegas and discovered you get SUPER hangry!

The time a cowboy tried to drink beer out of your straw hat (that didn't end well)!

The time we saw Paul Brandt, Shania Twain, the Dixie Chicks, and Aaron Pritchett and Doc Walker.

Or the times we've spent with the Lakeview Ladies-- the team where we all met, ten years ago.

This weekend, I had the opportunity to help Jill celebrate her wedding, as one of her bridesmaids. To have a place in her wedding party meant more to me than I am able to express. Jill is someone who I know will always be there for me, good or bad, and I was so happy to be there to support her and take care of her hangries, when she had more important things to think about on such an important day.

Jill looked so stunning and beautiful. And there's something indescribably wonderful about seeing your friend marry the love of her life-- to have found that person who will be there with her through thick and thin, and who loves and respects her.

Jill-- thank you for being an amazing friend. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone. Thanks for listening to my occasional (and by occasional, I mean frequent) rants, for going to country concerts with me, for coffee breaks, and for faithfully discussing Survivor contestant strategy each season. You are THE. BEST.

Congratulations, Jill and Jared! I'm so happy for you two, and I wish you nothing but the best in all the years to come.