Sunday, June 10, 2018

Garden Seedlings

This is our second summer in our new house, and one of the perks of having a backyard is being able to plant a garden. Last year we used the gardening space that the home-builders had designed, to grow yellow wax beans, carrots, turnips and zucchini. We had a successful growing season, so this year, Tom decided he would expand our gardening area.

Thanks to Tom's efforts, we probably have about three times as much space to grow this year, so we've expanded our produce to include:

Green beans
Sugar peas
Carrots (two breeds)
Cucumber (two breeds)
Beets (beets are disgusting)
Cherry tomatoes

We also had included swiss chard and spinach, but those seeds don't seem to have successfully germinated.

Carrots and sweet peas (flowers).

Cucumber and sunflowers.

A different breed of carrot and sugar peas.

Zucchini plants.



Unfortunately, either a bird or a squirrel has already gotten to our strawberry... I'm not sure if we're going to get any this summer, the animals in our neighbourhood are very aggressive! We might have to develop some sort of netting system in order to keep them away!

I'm looking forward to the growing season, and looking forward to perfecting my pickling recipe in the fall.

I also anticipate there will be zucchinis to share. We have ten plant growing this year, as opposed to the six we had last year. And this year, I promise not to accidentally murder them with houseplant fertilizer!

Lacey has been helping us water the garden in the evenings, and she takes great pride in checking on the seedling progress each day. I think she's going to love it even more when she can start eating some of the vegetables! She has already eaten several of the green onions.

Happy growing season, to all you gardeners out there!