Sunday, March 4, 2018

Two Years Old

What a difference a year makes. Last year as a one year old, Lacey had no idea what was going on at her birthday party-- other than that everyone she loved was in one room with her, and she got to open some boxes and bags that had fun toys in the them. She was barely able to verbalize what she wanted or if she was having a good time. And she was still a bit unsteady on her feet. Not to mention, she barely had any hair!

This year she knew there was going to be a party, she knew there would be a cake, she knew there would be presents for her, and she knew she got to wear her fancy "princess" dress.

Lacey had a wonderful second birthday. This year she picked the Peppa Pig cupcakes that I made for her party, and she had a blast playing with her older cousins.

Peppa Pig Cupcakes!

Happy Birthday to my big girl! Thanks to all the family who made it so special for her!