Sunday, January 7, 2018

Party of 4

Tom and I are pleased to announce that come the end of June, our family of three will become a party of four!

Lacey helped me put together a card and confetti for both sets of grandparents so that we could let them know that they will be welcoming another granddaughter into the fold. 

We have been talking to Lacey about her new job as a big sister, and her little sister that is growing in mommy's tummy-- but I don't think she quite gets it yet. It's okay, some things you can't be prepared for

And as for us? We'll just try to hold onto our hats!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Adventures in Sledding

In what feels like over night, Lacey has become quite a little chatterbox. She went from spouting one word, to two words, to stringing three to four words together. Now she's chattering in full sentences (I mean, not GOOD sentences, but comprehensive sentences!)

It turns out, when it comes to sledding, Lacey is a gal of few words. She didn't say much when we arrived at the hill. She didn't say much as we watched other families and children sledding. She didn't say anything while she made her first run with her dad. No squeals, no protests, no feedback at all. But when we got to the bottom of the hill, she said one word, "More."

Turns out she really liked it! She went down the hill with Tom, Ashley, Andrew and I, and each time, had very little to say. Except, "More", or "More please." 

She wasn't too happy to go home either!

After such a cold long Christmas, it was good to get out and play in the snow. Hopefully we can make it out again before spring hits!