Friday, December 9, 2016

My Top Ten Condo Moments


Thought of moving into our house has left me nostalgic about leaving our condo. So I have compiled some of the most memorable moments that occurred during our 8.5 years living here.

10) The time a creature (a squirrel?!) made a giant nest in our BBQ!

9) The time we bought our first Christmas tree, and had to use the world's shittiest tree stand.

I was so excited the first time we bought a Christmas tree. I had never had a live tree (we had an artificial tree growing up), and it was the first Christmas that Tom and I celebrated together. What we didn't realize, was that we had a terrible tree stand. I don't remember where it came from, but it was meant for a tree with a thick trunk, and we had purchased a cheap (and skinny) tree. Tom ended up having to walk down to the river and bring back a bunch of stones that we piled into the water basin of the tree stand so that the trunk could not move back and forth. The adjustable pins in the stand did not adjust to a thin enough setting to keep the skinny tree trunk steady. All in all, it was an anticlimactic experience for our first Christmas tree (but memorable).

8) The time Tom ordered NFL jerseys for his Groomsmen, Purolator left the package in the lobby and someone stole them.

Yes. Let's leave a package clearly labelled with logos, and leave it in a common lobby where dozens of people are passing by all day. That package definitely won't get stolen. *Eye roll* Thanks, Purolator.

7) The time we painted the walls and slept in the living room.

A few years ago, Tom and I spent the weekend painting. We had all the furniture moved into the center of every room, and everything was draped in drop sheets. It would have been a pain to get everything moved to sleep in our bed, so we set up makeshift beds on our couch (that was jammed into the center of the room with all of our bookshelves). It was silly, and a bit ridiculous, but it felt like we were kids sleeping in a makeshift fort-- it was fun! 

6) The time I cut my finger making dinner and passed out.

After this incident, I knew I never would have made it as a doctor (not that I ever wanted to be a doctor!). I cut my finger while transferring vegetables into a soup, and at the sight of my own blood, I promptly passed out, and wacked my head on the floor. 

5) The time we found out we were pregnant!

Pure excitement. Clearly! I took a photo of it!

4) The time I went to get Lacey from her crib, and she called me Mama.

Lacey has been developing quickly the last few months. She says mamama and dadada all the time. I don't think she has made any connections with the words yet, they are just sounds to her. But I'll never forget the morning I went into her room when she'd woken up for the day. I knelt down and said, "Good morning, Lacey!" And she looked at me and said, "Mama."

3) The time I killed a huge spider, and it exploded into dozens of baby spiders.

This particular afternoon is ingrained in my memory. I was sitting at the computer, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw some movement. It was a spider. A LARGE SPIDER. It was VERY large. I could not ignore it, so I grabbed a shoe, and bashed it. And from that spider, sprung dozens and dozens of baby spiders that crawled off in every direction. I have never been more horrified in my life. That afternoon I vacuumed the computer room over and over again.

Later googling has lead me to believe I killed a wolf spider that was carrying its babies with it, much like this picture below.

2) The time Calgary flooded, and water was pouring into our condo complex.

A lot of people were affected by flooding in 2013, but we spent six weeks out of our condo, and then lived through another two months of repairs and remediation. It was an experience I don't care to repeat. It was stressful and inconvenient. All in all, we were lucky that nothing was seriously damaged in our home, and that insurance covered the cost of bringing our building back to how it was before.

1) The time the guy fell off the 5th floor balcony and landed outside our bedroom window.

It was the middle of the night around 3am, and I woke up to a loud bang. I was disoriented from sleep, and initially thought someone was trying to steal our BBQ off our balcony. But minutes later we heard a panicked voice yelling someone's name, and when we looked out the window, there was the body of a young man laying just outside our bedroom window. He and a friend had been partying in a unit on the fifth floor. They were both drunk, and he had fallen off the balcony, and hit the metal awning over our ground floor balcony on the way down. He DID survive (at least, we think he did, Tom saw a guy in a neck brace in our lobby a few days later), but he was definitely injured. For over an hour, there were paramedics and police outside our bedroom yelling back and forth to each other. It was a sight that Tom and I will never forget!

Yes, we've had a lot of good memories in this condo. It has been a home to us for many years. We're looking forward to the memories we'll make in our new house too!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

First We Drink the Coffee, Then We Do the Baking - V7.0

There's something very comforting about tradition, isn't there? When Mallary, Jasmine, Jill, Paige and I got together in December 2010 to decorate Christmas cookies, I don't think any of us envisioned ourselves in 2016, baking up a storm on a blustery day. These baking days are something I look forward to every year. There's nothing better than catching up with old friends, and baking tasty treats!

This year we started our annual bake-athon with coffee, thanks to Mallary. We drank all the coffee, and immediately launched into action. After seven years, we have become a well oiled machine. We all bring our two cookie recipes and ingredients, as well as most of the utensils and equipment we need to bake them. We each have a separate little work station, and we get to work. The main problem is that we end up with a backlog of cookies waiting to go in the oven, but that just gives us more time to chat and catch up.

There were a few repeat favourites this year, including salted caramel and dark chocolate chip squares, and lemon ricotta cookies, but most recipes were new. There were:

Ginger snaps
Skor shortbread
Double chocolate peppermint
London Fog sugar cookies
Vanilla chai shortbread
Nutella cookies
Pecan dark chocolate cookies
Hot chocolate cookies

Double chocolate peppermint cookies.

Hot chocolate cookies.

Salted caramel and dark chocolate chip squares.

It's fun to think about how much has changed over the last seven years. Most notably, three of us are now moms! With four kids in the mix, the kids will soon be outnumbering the ladies! I'm looking forward to the day when Lacey is old enough to come with me and help out. But today I was happy to leave Lacey at home with dad, and spend some time on my own.

This year had sped by. It will be Christmas in no time!

Keep warm! I hear it's supposed to be a blustery week.