Saturday, July 30, 2016

Cherry Picking

So here we are at the August long weekend. Nearly five months have gone by since Lacey arrived, I have no idea how that happened!

Lacey is developing a sense of humor. She laughs and squeals when we airplane her above us. She rolls around with surprising ease and she fully supports her own head. She sucks on her toes, she can't be trusted on her own on any kind of raised surface, and she continues to sleep through the night. She loves when we go outside-- there are so many interesting things to see!

Jeff cleaning off a cherry bush.

This weekend, at the suggestion of our friends,  Jeff and Gwen, we went on a cherry picking adventure to Saskatoon Farm,  between Okotoks and De Winton. We picked a few Saskatoon berries,  but mainly sour cherries.

Lacey and dad, cherry picking.

We arrived at the farm quite a bit later than we intended. Lacey had a mega meltdown when we tried to feed her before we left, and the normal ten minute task took forty minutes to accomplish-- and even so, she barely ate anything. We were worried she was going to be a grump on the farm. But no, after a thirty minute cat nap in the car, she was her regular sunshiny self.

Lacey helping with the cherry picking.

Lacey's dexterity is getting much better, so she was grabbing at leaves and branches while we were picking fruit from the bushes. She also has an iron grip, so a few of the bushes may have lost some leaves.

We also got a few Saskatoon berries, but we were at the end of the Saskatoon season, so there was slim pickings.

The haul!

 We got a pretty good haul! We could have picked more, but we didn't think we could eat any more than half of a bucket.

There were lots of families picking berries today, and we figured it would be even more fun when Lacey is older, and she can pick her own bucket. Apparently this is the last picking weekend of the season. So we'll have to wait for another year.