Friday, March 11, 2016

Lacey Frances Greig

The last nine days have been an absolute shock to my system! I had my weekly prenatal appointment on the morning of March 1, and for the rest of the day, the baby was acting like a maniac in my belly. She was kicking, squirming, rolling, and making life generally uncomfortable. This wasn't particularly unusual, she spent a lot of time kicking and stretching. I had spent the last five days either in bed, or laid out on the couch trying to get over a case of the flu, and I had told Tom how worried I was that I might go into labour while still sick. As Tom and I were getting ready for bed, we were laughing as we watched her little limbs flailing around in my belly. 15 minutes later, my water broke. I had a rush of adrenaline as I realized, this is really happening, and Tom and I were off to the hospital.

Lacey was born on March 2 at 8:36am. She was a whopping 7lbs 8oz-- which seems pretty big to me, considering she was ten days early! It turns out labour sort of suppresses all the other things going on in your body-- I didn't even really notice my flu symptoms at the time. After Lacey was born, I had some complications, so we spent an extra night in the hospital-- but we have since headed home, and are settling in. Figuring each other out, you might say.

Tom and I are both run down, but we love our little girl and our little family. There have been plenty of emotional ups and downs as we both try to get some rest, and figure out what works best for us. We are both still trying to shake a cough, the last remaining symptom from the flu with both had Family and friends have been amazing, offering support, food (thank God for all the food!) and some incredibly thoughtful gifts.

We are happy to report that Lacey is thriving! She's back to her birth weight already (usually you'd want an infant to be back to their birth weight after two weeks), and really only fusses when she's hungry.  I'm sure this will change as she continues to grow, but for now, we are thankful that she has a sweet temperament.

Thank you, everyone, for your well wishes and messages! I am trying my best to respond to them all, but time is at a premium these days.

Amanda & Tom