Saturday, January 31, 2015

Amaryllis by Morning

Ever since my mom gave me an amaryllis an amaryllis bulb in December, I have had Amarillo by Morning stuck in my head. So join the club, press play, and watch my amaryllis grow!

I planted the bulb just after Boxing Day. It had already started to grow, unplanted, in the box.

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4


 At -15 degrees and with a fresh coat of snow, there's something very satisfying about the four gigantic blossoms on this plant. Something cheery on a cold day.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hello, Cupcake!

One of my most prized Christmas gifts this year was a book called, "Hello, Cupcake!| by Karen Tack and Alan Richardson.

As you've probably deduced-- I love making cupcakes, and this book is chalked full of delightful decorating ideas for cupcakes. I have already put two to use, and am looking for occasions where I can test a few more!

In early January, I made these owls for my mother-in-law's birthday. They are shockingly easy! The eyeballs are made of the insides of an Oreo and Junior Mints. The noses are almonds and the ears are  by backed by cut-up pieces of Oreo. I made chocolate cupcakes, and used chocolate creamcheese icing.

This week, my good friend, Andrea, welcomed her little boy into the world-- a full six weeks early! Both mom and son are doing well, but her baby will be staying at the hospital a little longer so he can gain some strength and weight. This weekend, I made some cupcakes for Andrea's baby shower.

The "Hello, Cupcake!" book has step-by-step instructions and a template for making butterflies. The actual steps are quite simple, but the whole process was more time consuming than I had originally imagined. The main problem was that the melted chocolate kept solidifying, and I had to microwave it again and again so that I could work with it.

I'm particularly pleased with how these cupcakes turned out-- they look so pretty! I think I'm going to make them again (with a slightly different spin) for my niece's 4th birthday in February. She says butterflies are her favourite!

Seems like 2015 will be the Year of the Cupcake!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January Sunsets

I don't always have the greatest view from my office, but every once in a while, it surprises me.