Sunday, October 26, 2014

Glenmore Reservoir Loop

Exactly three weeks until the Las Vegas Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon. 15 weeks of training down, and three more to go.

Training through the fall has been a surprisingly pleasant experience. With the exception of two days of early September snow, the weather has been unseasonably warm for most of September and October. I have been able to complete most of my runs outside (rather than on a treadmill), and the weekend weather had cooperated for all of our long runs.

Tom getting ready for his run.

Yesterday, Tom and I completed our second-last long run before the half marathon on Sunday, November 16th. Tom is training for a faster pace than me, so he is following a slightly different program. This has worked out well, because although his distances are longer, we usually finish at the same time.

Running route.

Yesterday I ran an 18km loop around the Glenmore Reservoir, and Tom ran 22km along the Elbow River pathway system. I decided to test a new running armband I bought for my cellphone... It was both a success and failure. Success, because I was able to carry my cell phone, and take some photos along the way... A failure, because I yanked a little too hard the first time I was taking the phone out of the case, and I shattered half of my screen when it fell on the pavement... *Sigh* It's still useable.

Here we go!

Meandering Elbow River in Weaselhead Park.

We have been starting our weekend runs in the Weaselhead Park, and then head east into North Glenmore Park. North Glenmore Park tends to be full of people strolling and walking their dogs. This tends to be my least favourite section of the run, because many strollers and dog walkers are completely oblivious to the people around them on the pathway. Group span 3-4 people abreast across the path so that you have to run around them. Dogs run around gleefully and bound at you or run after you (not in menacing way, just in a curious dog-way). After about 4km, you have exited the park and are heading towards Glenmore Trail.

Glenmore overpass.

After crossing the Glenmore overpass, you weave your way along the periphery of a golf course, before crossing over the Glenmore Reservoir Dam, and crossing back over Glenmore Trail. At about 8.5km, the trail takes you on an up-and-down hilly route behind the Rockview Hospital. There are often patients sitting outside with their IV bags, taking in the view or visiting with family. Or maybe the odd nurse or doctor having a smoke break (always seems bizarre to me when people in medical professions are smoking!).

Trail behind the Rockview Hospital.

At 10km, you pass through a short section of the community Eagle Ridge, before popping out beside Heritage Park. Although most of the trees have already shed their leaves, there were a few aspens that were still hanging on to their foliage-- just starting to shed their multi-coloured leaves.

 Fall leaves.

For the next 4km, you run beside the reservoir. This was definitely the coldest run I have embarked on this training season. There was cold wind coming off the reservoir, and although I was warm from the exertion of running, my lips were still blue!

At about the 14km mark, you re-enter the Weaselhead Park area.  This is my favourite section of the trail. It is quiet-- I usually only see a few cyclists whipping by. There are aspens on both side of the trail that reach up to the sky. The trees mask the wind, and it always smells like fallen leaves and fresh earth. Of course, there are always critters rustling around in the leaves-- they have managed to spook me a few times in this section of the trail. Usually squirrels and mice!

 Re-entering the Weaselhead Park.

At about 17km, I reach a bridge, and then I know I'm on the homestretch-- only about a kilometer to go. I stopped this time around on the bridge to snap a few photos (with my partially shattered phone *sad face*) of the sun as it began to set on the Weaselhead.

Sun setting on the Weaselhead.

One kilometer, and one gigantic hill later, I am back at the start of my loop, taking in the view of the meandering Elbow River as it enters the Glenmore Reservoir.

 Sun setting at the end of my loop.

Next weekend marks the end of my long runs. Just 20km, before the ramp down and race day. Weather in Vegas is currently 26 degrees-- I'm hoping the average temperature comes down quite a bit in the next few weeks. No one wants to run in a sauna!

Today is a rest day, and I am soaking in the sweet sweet relaxation of the couch.

Happy Sunday!