Monday, February 17, 2014

Little M Turns Big 3


On February 8th, my little niece, Madelynn turned THREE years old! She really liked blowing out candles, so she blew them out, and had them re-lit, three times. And then we re-lit them one more time so Dylan could blow them out too.

Forget the toys, clothes or craft supplies-- the best birthday present of the year was a Dora the Explorer umbrella. Madelynn was tickled pink by her umbrella. I'm sure it won't make it until the spring before it is horribly, horribly broken.

Madelynn made sure to protect grandpa from the rain-- repeatedly. It rained a lot in the house.

In fact, it rains so much that Auntie Lisa had to break out Dylan's Spiderman umbrella in order to keep dry as well.

Happy Birthday, Madelynn!