Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Pretend Like It's Spring

Nothing can cheer you up like a vase of spring-like flowers. I love it when tulips and daffodils start popping up in stores! It means warm weather is just around the corner.

Warm weather is DEFINITELY around the corner for Tom and I. Tomorrow we are heading off to Hawaii to spend a week on the island of Maui.

I'm packing like it's nobody's business!

This is the first time we've taken a spring holiday. Normally we go from Christmas to the summer with only a few long weekends to break it up. All I can think of is the fresh tropical fruit and glorious, glorious humidity. Snorkeling, hiking and relaxing are high on our list of priorities.

Until next time...

Amanda out!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Field Trip - Grande Cache

I don't generally blog about work, but this week was a bit out of the ordinary because I flew out to Grande Cache with my team for a field visit.

On average, I generally only make about one field visit per year, and it's always nice to get out of the office-- even though I endure harassment about my "pretty" steel-toed boots. On previous occasions, we flew out in a clunky little plane that seats about 8.

This time we flew out in a Falcon 900-- a jet!

Although this is not an actual image from the plane (we did not have wine or throw blankets-- although maybe they would have given us some if we'd asked), this is what the interior of the plane looked like. Pretty swanky, eh? There was a flight attendant who served us hot and cold breakfast, chocolates and coffee and tea. She also provided us with newspapers and hot towels! She also offered me a barf bag halfway through the trip, as I had assumed the fetal position in my seat, and feeling quite queasy. I'm happy to report the bag went unused...

We were supposed to visit a drilling rig when we landed, but there were whiteout conditions in the field. Instead we stuck to the office and did some brainstorming.

Next, we checked into our hotel.

Check out my view from the hotel! Stellar, right?

Hotel room view.

The parking lot is not exactly glamorous, but the rooms are nice and well maintained.

The following day we met with the field operators. We gave them a presentation, and listened to their suggestions and input on our future plans. When our day wound up early, we headed to Sulphur Gate to do the tourist-thang.

Smokey River at Sulphur Gate.

Cadomin conglomerate outcrop at Sulphur Gate.

The path was EXTREMELY icy, and very slippery-- but the views were very impressive. Grande Cache is definitely nestled in a beautiful location.

Today we are headed out to have a tour of our gas plant and multiple wellsites. It was a long day-- and not without incident. First thing in the morning, one of the Jeep's in our convoy got a flat tire. But there was no shortage of men to make quick work of fixing it.

Fixing the flat.

Tomorrow we are giving a presentation to some students at a local school. Then we're heading back home in style in our jet.

Looking forward to coming home.

Looking forward to the weekend!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

How Fast They Grow

On Wednesday, February 8, my beautiful little niece, Madelynn, had her first birthday. It's hard to imagine that a whole year has passed so quickly. Madelynn has nearly mastered the art of walking, and she is certainly opening Dylan up to the world of sharing toys.

Madelynn at 7 months.

This morning I attended Madelynn's birthday party. My mom got up early to make Madelynn's cake, then she brought it to my sister's house so Dylan could help her decorate it.

Grandma and Dylan work on Madelynn's cake.

Madelynn's completed cake.

For such a little girl, she was showered with gifts! She got toys, clothing and jewelry. She had two grandmas, a grandpa, two aunts and an uncle, as well as a great aunt and uncle in attendance.

Madelynn and Dylan digging into presents.

Madelynn playing with a talking picnic basket.

Madelynn was VERY happy with her cake, and allowed Dylan to blow out the candle for her. She enjoyed a slice of cake and seemed very happy, until she rubbed some cake in her eye and started crying.

Blowing out the candle.

I can't wait to see what she thinks of her birthday next year when she's talking and running.

Happy Birthday, Madelynn!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Start to Finish

January 6, 2012

January 14, 2012

January 23, 2012

January 29, 2012.


Drum roll please!


February 2, 2012

My favorite parts of the painting are the fire engine, and the little dog I snuck in beside the fire station. The dog is Baxter, my sister's dog. I also made sure to label the Fire Station with the number 23, the station my brother-in-law has worked at for the last five years.

Baxter circa 2006. Hiding under the bed was fun.

I'm so happy with the finished product! And for the first time in a month, our kitchen table is clear and functional again.